10 Rain Forest Frogs Tattoos
Safe, beautiful frog tattoos!
This little book contains 10 colorful temporary tattoos of rain forest frogs. These aren't some artistic rendition of frogs, but realistic tattoos of real species. The inside cover of the book lists what species of frog each tattoo is.
The back inside cover gives detailed instructions on how to apply them and the backside of each tattoo has the picture of the tattoo in reverse. This allows you to place the tattoo EXACTLY where you want it.
These tattoos are non-toxic and waterproof against soap and water. You can use baby oil or rubbing alcohol to remove the tattoos or they will wear off after a few days.
Size: Book is 4" by 5-1/4" and contains 10 tattoos ranging in size from 1-1/8" long to 2-1/2" long
Made in the USA
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